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Aching To Communicate


(0:00 – 0:43)

We’re going to talk about stuff that works so aggressively. It’s fantastic. It’s not necessarily free.

This one’s a couple bucks, but it is so worthy of talking about because in 25 years we have helped so many companies make so many millions of dollars with the following techniques. I just have to talk about it. I think there’s a challenge in our society today and that is we are so engrossed in the internet, we’re blind.

I think we have web blindness and I think we have forgotten that people still need real touch. People still need to hold things. They need to see people.

They need to lock eyeballs, right? They need to shake hands. This is awesome. Why? Because I think society’s brains are pickled.

(0:43 – 2:00)

The internet’s been around for 21 years since Al invented it and I think we’re very blind to some fundamental techniques that drive massive business. So here’s a couple of them. Direct mail, cold calling on the phone and knocking on doors in person.

I know I just gave some of you the willies. I think some of you just dropped your coffee. Some of you might have went to the bar to get a drink, but I’m going to say it again.

Direct mail done the right way is uber powerful. Cold calling, picking up the phone and cold calling. Whoa, huge.

I’ve helped companies make mega millions cold calling on the phone and I’ve helped companies make mega millions teaching techniques of how to knock on doors. So let’s talk about a couple of these for a second. I would recommend if you have not read Dan Kennedy’s No BS Marketing to the Affluent and Dan Kennedy’s, I think it’s called direct selling or the perfect sales letter and look at how he describes what’s called a shock and awe box.

So I’m going to give it to you in my words. Could you imagine in this digital society we’re constantly getting hit up on Skype and email and text and all these digital sales machines that now use local numbers to mask this and mask that and holy cow we’re bombarded. We’re bombarded.

(0:00 – 0:43)
We’re going to talk about stuff that works so aggressively. It’s fantastic. It’s not necessarily free.

This one’s a couple bucks, but it is so worthy of talking about because in 25 years we have helped so many companies make so many millions of dollars with the following techniques. I just have to talk about it. I think there’s a challenge in our society today and that is we are so engrossed in the internet, we’re blind.

I think we have web blindness and I think we have forgotten that people still need real touch. People still need to hold things. They need to see people.

They need to lock eyeballs, right? They need to shake hands. This is awesome. Why? Because I think society’s brains are pickled.

(0:43 – 2:00)
The internet’s been around for 21 years since Al invented it and I think we’re very blind to some fundamental techniques that drive massive business. So here’s a couple of them. Direct mail, cold calling on the phone and knocking on doors in person.

I know I just gave some of you the willies. I think some of you just dropped your coffee. Some of you might have went to the bar to get a drink, but I’m going to say it again.

Direct mail done the right way is uber powerful. Cold calling, picking up the phone and cold calling. Whoa, huge.

I’ve helped companies make mega millions cold calling on the phone and I’ve helped companies make mega millions teaching techniques of how to knock on doors. So let’s talk about a couple of these for a second. I would recommend if you have not read Dan Kennedy’s No BS Marketing to the Affluent and Dan Kennedy’s, I think it’s called direct selling or the perfect sales letter and look at how he describes what’s called a shock and awe box.

So I’m going to give it to you in my words. Could you imagine in this digital society we’re constantly getting hit up on Skype and email and text and all these digital sales machines that now use local numbers to mask this and mask that and holy cow we’re bombarded. We’re bombarded.