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People Digest Differently


(0:00 – 1:00)

We can do a simple split test with $50 using Facebook to give us a very crystal clear picture of exactly who’s interested in our products and services, how often they want information from us, and it gives a tremendous, tremendous inside view of a real live case study of how to go about taking the number one benefit of your product or service and realizing that it can be split multiple different ways and perceived multiple different ways by what you might think is a standard ubiquitous audience. This is on the presupposition that what you did with that $50 case study worked and now you’ve gotten, as in the case that has already happened, I didn’t give out the stats, but those $10 per campaign resulted in numerous people coming in to that website. It was pretty fantastic.

(1:00 – 1:52)

So now the question is, okay, we have clearly seen that different verbiage saying exactly the same thing gives very drastically different results. So now we understand, holy cow, that just wording things a little bit different, in one case, tripled the result, just a slightly different word, tripled the result. So if it’s the case in changing the verbiage to get people to your landing page or to your website, wouldn’t it also be the case that once they’re inside the landing page and once they’re inside the website,

(0:00 – 1:00)
We can do a simple split test with $50 using Facebook to give us a very crystal clear picture of exactly who’s interested in our products and services, how often they want information from us, and it gives a tremendous, tremendous inside view of a real live case study of how to go about taking the number one benefit of your product or service and realizing that it can be split multiple different ways and perceived multiple different ways by what you might think is a standard ubiquitous audience. This is on the presupposition that what you did with that $50 case study worked and now you’ve gotten, as in the case that has already happened, I didn’t give out the stats, but those $10 per campaign resulted in numerous people coming in to that website. It was pretty fantastic.

(1:00 – 1:52)
So now the question is, okay, we have clearly seen that different verbiage saying exactly the same thing gives very drastically different results. So now we understand, holy cow, that just wording things a little bit different, in one case, tripled the result, just a slightly different word, tripled the result. So if it’s the case in changing the verbiage to get people to your landing page or to your website, wouldn’t it also be the case that once they’re inside the landing page and once they’re inside the website,