Would and Wouldn’t, Do and Don’t
(0:00 – 1:01)
I became a conference junkie. If Brian Tracy came to town, I went. If any major author on sales, management, executive balance, human resources, anybody came, I was eager to gobble up their information.
And now today, but I make it a habit to sit in the audience of any speaker I’ve never heard before, or if it’s the same speaker I’ve heard before, are they talking on a different topic. So there happened to be a speaker, and it was Penny Zanker, that’s Penny, Z-E-N-K-E-R, and she was speaking on her book, The Productivity Zone. And I sat in the back row and tried to remain invisible, basically.
But something happened right in the middle of Penny’s talk, and I could not get out a notebook fast enough because she drew something out that was so incredibly simple. I had never seen it before. I’d never seen anything like it.
(1:02 – 2:10)
And again, it was so rudimentary simple that I was just so glad I said to myself, this is why I came. And so, for those of you that are not driving in a car listening, I would like you to get out a piece of paper and draw a square, and then put a line down the middle going up and down, and a line down the middle side to side, so it makes four boxes. And right above the top middle, I want you to write do, and then right at the top of the horizontal line that separates that, right below that top, I want you to write don’t do.
So the top two boxes are going to represent things that you might do, and the bottom two boxes represent things you don’t do, you’re not going to do. Now in the top left box, please write what wouldn’t happen, what wouldn’t happen. In the top right box, I would like you to write what would happen, what would happen.
And in the bottom left box, I would like you to write what wouldn’t happen, same as above, what wouldn’t happen. And in the bottom right box, you would write what would happen. And so this is a decision-making box, and in Penny’s world, she’s a productivity expert.
(0:00 – 1:01)
I became a conference junkie. If Brian Tracy came to town, I went. If any major author on sales, management, executive balance, human resources, anybody came, I was eager to gobble up their information.
And now today, but I make it a habit to sit in the audience of any speaker I’ve never heard before, or if it’s the same speaker I’ve heard before, are they talking on a different topic. So there happened to be a speaker, and it was Penny Zanker, that’s Penny, Z-E-N-K-E-R, and she was speaking on her book, The Productivity Zone. And I sat in the back row and tried to remain invisible, basically.
But something happened right in the middle of Penny’s talk, and I could not get out a notebook fast enough because she drew something out that was so incredibly simple. I had never seen it before. I’d never seen anything like it.
(1:02 – 2:10)
And again, it was so rudimentary simple that I was just so glad I said to myself, this is why I came. And so, for those of you that are not driving in a car listening, I would like you to get out a piece of paper and draw a square, and then put a line down the middle going up and down, and a line down the middle side to side, so it makes four boxes. And right above the top middle, I want you to write do, and then right at the top of the horizontal line that separates that, right below that top, I want you to write don’t do.
So the top two boxes are going to represent things that you might do, and the bottom two boxes represent things you don’t do, you’re not going to do. Now in the top left box, please write what wouldn’t happen, what wouldn’t happen. In the top right box, I would like you to write what would happen, what would happen.
And in the bottom left box, I would like you to write what wouldn’t happen, same as above, what wouldn’t happen. And in the bottom right box, you would write what would happen. And so this is a decision-making box, and in Penny’s world, she’s a productivity expert.